Dear Members,
COVID continues to play havoc with the ski season with the NSW lockdown extended to 28 August.
Consequently, the lodge will be closed and all bookings cancelled until the 28 August.
For existing bookings post this date there will be no change. Gunuma is obliged to comply with NSW Health orders. If the lock down is extended, all bookings in the extended lockdown will be cancelled.

When the lockdown is lifted Gunuma will open for new bookings. However, it should be noted that the lifting of the lockdown will likely come with restrictions resulting in changes to our COVID safe plan. At this stage there is no information on these restrictions.
Some members are making several bookings week after week in the hope that the lockdown will be lifted. Please remember that booking rules still apply and that cancellations add to the already heavy work load of our Administration Officer who is part-time.
Peter Rodda
President, Gunuma Lodge
E: president@gunumalodge.com.au; M: 0429040780