The mornings are getting colder, the evenings shorter, and winter season bookings open on the weekend – which means the ski season is getting closer! A few very important points for everyone to be aware of:
Round 1 bookings open this Sunday, the 24th of April at 10am. Note:

- The booking software has been re-written – there has been extensive testing of all scenarios that have previously caused problems, so hopefully it works smoothly for everyone. A member can now book different rooms to make up their consecutive 7 night stay by selecting them on the first screen, carparks can be booked separately after rooms. You can book car parks for single nights. You can add your registered family into your booking across multiple rooms within our bookings consecutive 7 night stay.
- Please read How to Use the Booking System and the 2022/23 Booking Rules prior to Sunday morning
- The booking system is not an app – it is designed to run on a laptop/desktop computer. Please avoid using a phone or tablet to make bookings if possible
- Similarly, bookings open at 10am – please do not get half way through the system hovering over the room you want waiting for 10 o’clock to tick over. The system will not allow this and you will have to refresh your browser and start again.
- If the system is a bit slow don’t keep hitting refresh as this will slow down the servers at the back end and not achieve anything. Be patient.
- When two people “simultaneously” try to book the same room-nights one will win. The other will be puzzled because the matrix showed the room as available, but they will be asked do they want to waitlist. In your situation, people will say “no” so they can look for a different room or different dates. To facilitate this, the software will re-display at this point, so it will show the now-booked rooms and the member can try again. This takes a few seconds so it’s worth noting that if you say no to waitlisting, you should wait for the matrix to redisplay and not panic, don’t press refresh etc
With the ever changing world of a pandemic we have a new Covid Safe Plan ( April 2022). Find it here and read it carefully before your stay.
On a lighter note, the Smiggins Bowl is once more running after a break for 2021. It is on the weekend of the 16th and 17th of September. The lodge is only available this weekend for competitors and volunteers. If you would like to compete contact Vanessa Palmer. Please note the race starts early Saturday morning.

The final pre-season work party is on the weekend of the 20th-21st of May. Contact Stephan Belacic at if you can help for all or part of the weekend. Volunteers receive accommodation booking credits for the number of days worked.
Let’s start crossing fingers for the snow Gods/snow fairies, and good luck to all with winter season bookings.