Hello all,
A few reminders, an update, and some general news for the start of 2022:
2022 work parties

To prepare for the coming season the following work parties have been organised. Please indicate your interest in attending one or more by clicking here to email Stephan Belacic (Maintenance Manager) and nominating the specific Work Party number(s) in the Subject line.
As always, there will be jobs available for all skill levels and your assistance in preparing/maintaining the Lodge is greatly appreciated.
Work Party 1: Weekend from Friday 11th of February
Work Party 2: Weekend commencing Friday 1st of April
Work Party 3: Weekend from Friday 20th of May
There will likely be a work party after the end of the season date TBC.
GAO (General Admin Officer)
It is with sadness and much thanks that we farewell Renae, our stalwart GAO for the past three years. Renae will be replaced by Mick Bevan, who comes to us with a huge advantage – he is Renae’s husband, so hopefully the handover of our complicated booking system is seamless! The committee thanks Renae for her amazing job, and welcomes Mick to Gunuma Lodge.

2021/2022 subs
Some members still have outstanding subs. Please note you must be financial (ie subs paid) to book for the 2022 season. Please contact the Treasurer Jason (here) if you have any questions.
Booking rules and booking dates for 2022
The booking rules have been updated and can be found here. The take home is that there have been no major changes, but a clarification for the rules around booking out the lodge in the shoulder season.
Bookings for the 2022 ski season are open on the following dates (see booking rules for details):
ROUND 1 – Sunday 24th April from 10am
ROUND 2 – Sunday 1st May from 10am
ROUND 3 – Sunday 8th May from 10am
ROUND 4 – Sunday 15th May from 10am
Winter house managers (WHM) for 2022
Expressions of Interest applications are invited from any member who is interested in performing the duties of Winter House Manager (WHM) during the 2022 Ski Season. More information about the position desorption, application process and duties are available here.
Interested members are required to submit a written an Expression of Interest Application to the Lodge Vice President Geoff Jones by email with a closing date for EOI’s being Sunday 20th February 2022.