REMINDER: Booking for the 2019 winter season starts Sunday 17th March (Round 1).
The current Booking Rules can be viewed here.
Booking commences at 10 am sharp. Please note that the system is locked until that time so logging in before 10 am will not give you an advantage.
Rounds 2, 3 and 4 will be the subsequent Sundays 24th and 31st March and 7th April, respectively.
A couple of Administrative reminders:
- Please take this opportunity to ensure your email address for newsletter and other notifications from Gunuma is correct in the Booking System.
- Use the system when you pay via Paypal as this registers your payment automatically. If you pay via your own log in, it is REALLY important to include a reference, such as your member name OR booking number. This will make sure your payment does not get overlooked.
If you encounter any issues, please contact the GAO, Renae at email admin@gunumalodge.com.au or mobile 0488 414 442
Meet RENAE, our new GAO
Profile on our New Gunuma Administrative Officer (GAO) – Renae Davis
I would like to introduce Renae Davis as our new GAO. Renae is from Jindabyne. Renae has an extensive working career as Tour Consultant, in excess of 20 years as a primary school teacher through-out NSW and Queensland.
Renae has a Certificate 3 in On- Line Travel, Bachelor of Teaching from the University of New England.
Renae brings to the role her skills, experience, maturity in managing people, meeting deadlines, computer skills including a high proficiency in on-line booking systems, social media, website development and maintenance, communications and interpersonal skills.
Renae will be taking over the GAO from Hugh as from 11 February 2019 and he will provide training and support 3 months during a probation period. Thereafter, on successfully completion of the probation period will be offered a twelve-month contract.
The phone number, email and postal address addresses will remain the same.
Please make Renae welcome when you are next talking or emailing her – Renae, welcome aboard.
Peter Rodda, President
Vacancies on the Gunuma Committee
Both the Membership Secretary and Capital Works Manager roles on the Lodge Committee continue to be vacant. This places further work on the existing Committee members and we would like to welcome you to consider if you have the time, and in the case of Capital Works, the expertise as there is a full program of work in progress (see below).
If you are interested and/or would like further information, please contact either Peter Rodda, President (0429 040 780) or Geoff Jones, Vice President (0417 637 361)to discuss.
Ten meetings are held each year and one AGM. These are conducted by Skype for those not based in Canberra. The Committee currently has 2 members from QLD and one from Sydney.
Work Parties
Thank you to the six people who attended the first work party last month. Eleven people have indicated their intention to attend the upcoming Work Party this month (Party 2: March 15-17). This is fantastic and will enable the wood for the coming winter to be delivered. It is not too late to join in. Please contact Ivan Belacic, Assistant Lodge Manager (Facilities) on 0401 686 174 or email: ibelacic48@gmail.com if you wish to attend.
Volunteers are also welcome for scheduled Party 3: April 12-14 and Party 4: May 17-19. Thank you to those who have already arranged to attend. These come with the bonus of seeing the mountains in full Autumn loom!
Please contact Ivan Belacic, Assistant Lodge Manager (Facilities) on 0401 686 174 or email: ibelacic48@gmail.com.
Professional painting of the Lodge has recently been completed and the pictures below show a fresh look for 2019!
Winter House Manager (WHM) Update
Thank you to those members who applied to serve as Winter House Manager during high season this year. We were oversubscribed and all positions were filled this year by non-Committee Members. Thanks to those who agreed to change their preferred dates so we could fill the program.
WHM Roster 2019
Season Week | Start and End Dates* | WHM |
Week 1 & 2 | 29 Jun – 12 Jul | Wal Sheehan |
Week 3 & 4 | 12 Jul – 26 Jul | Shaun de Plater |
Week 5 | 26 Jul – 2 Aug | Brett Beatty |
Week 6 | 2 Aug – 9 Aug | Denis Baker |
Week 7 & 8 | 9 Aug – 23 Aug | Allan Mayne |
Week 9 & 10 | 23 Aug – 6 Sep | Peter Robinson |
*Note: changeover is on a Friday
Geoff Jones, Vice President
Capital Work Future Direction (including Fire Safety Update)
The Committee is working on the future direction of the Lodge.
As Peter Rodda indicated at the AGM the Lodge is facing a couple of significant challenges. This article is to explain these and give an update of progress.
Fire Compliance
The back ground to has its source in the Fire Audit done in 2006 by Parks and Wildlife Division of the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC).
“The inspection of Gunuma Ski Lodge at Smiggin Holes, which was carried out by James Alexander and Associates P/L (JAA) on behalf of Parks and Wildlife Division of the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) has revealed a number of Building Code of Australia (BCA), maintenance and lease related non-compliances matters.” (Part A Report Gunuma Ski Lodge – Smiggin Holes., 2006).
This report was provided to NSW Planning for monitoring of implementation of recommendations. Subsequent committees have been addressing these issues over time. The 2017/18 Committee came to the final major hurdle, which is encompassed in the following.
The major occupant safety issue of BCA non-compliance identified within the building relates to fire separation between the Sole Occupancy Units (SOU’s) or bedrooms, and the combustibility of the pine cladding throughout the lodge. The existing walls separating SOU’s and corridors appear to be 13 mm fire rated plasterboard lined internally with pine cladding. These walls would provide some resistance to fire, however it is unlikely that they would achieve the required FRL of 60/60/60. The pine cladding would char creating large amounts of smoke and / or contribute to the propagation of the fire. However it is recommended that a fire engineer or grade 1 accredited certifier assess the fire compartmentation achieved by the current construction, the impact of smoke on egress and the rate of fire propagation, and potentially develop an alternate solution. The use of intumescent paint may be part of the solution. Alternatively it is recommended that the lining in these SOU’s be upgraded to achieve the DTS level of fire resistance. (Part A Report Gunuma Ski Lodge – Smiggin Holes., 2006).
Following a series of meetings with NSW Planning and discussions regarding possible solution the 2018 Committee engaged James Alexander a Fire Engineer to undertake a Fire Safety Upgrade Strategy to assist the Committee by producing authoritative advice and recommend solutions for consideration.
The draft of this report has been considered by the Committee and the minor issues are being addressed as part of the off-season preparations for the 2019 Ski Season. The major issue outlined above has the implications of removing all the internal wall cladding in every room and the ceiling in the dining / common rooms, and re-sheeting with compliant Fire Resistant Plasterboard. The Fire Engineered option that the Committee believes will be significantly cheaper, retaining the character of the Lodge and quicker to achieve is to install a Fire Sprinkler System meeting the Australian Standard. Several lodges have already adopted this approach.
The Committee has chosen to investigate this avenue as it will future proof the Lodge and solve several other issues. To This end, the Lodge has engaged a Specialist Consultant to develop a design that meets all requirements so that it can obtain quotes to assess the cost effectiveness of the solution.
The membership will continue to be advised of progress and the cost of the work. It is anticipated work will occur in the 2019/2020 building season.
Electrical Switchboard
The next major challenge the Lodge is facing is as a result of our Lease, which required Lodges to undertake a Electrical Inspection every 10 years and complete a number of reports.
The Committee has been looking at the current Switchboard over the last years.
It is of an age that its reliability is questionable and some components are no longer available, and we need to install Residual Current Devices to comply with the relevant code and obtain electrical certification. Several options have been considered as well as issues with the location.
The current plan is to replace the dated switchboard with a modern switchboard that complies with the code. We are also looking at additional capacity to cope with the demand for power points and other appliances. The other related issue is the location for access in a cupboard in a wet area which cannot be secured. Related to this is the demand on our Ski Room, Drying and Boot Room Area as we have more equipment including helmets and the need to effectively dry equipment. Future planning is looking at this area and it seems prudent to consider this when determining the solution. The Committee determined that a reorientation of the Switchboard would open the area and allow for more space and safer access to the Switchboard. This would also facilitate the redesign of area in the future to remove redundant hallways and install a modern Fire Alarm Panel which will be required in the short term.
The final design and work on this area is out of the scope of current work other than that the outcome will join the boot and drying room together and remove the redundant door and cupboard. Design will be considered by future committees but already suggestions include work bench for waxing (a constant request), boot drying, room lockers (to store skis/board, clothing, gloves and helmets so there is no mix up of equipment), better seating, doors that seal and close to maintain the warmth of the Lodge. This is all for another day.
Our in house Electrical Engineer has developed a Specification. The Committee is currently waiting Quotes for this work. It is anticipated that it may be done in the 2019/2020 Building Season.
Southern Bathroom Renovation
The last project is the renovation of the Southern Wing Bathroom. This is the most complex of the tasks at present with multiple trades involved and the opportunity to combine these with Work Party. The Committee has been seeking feedback on the Northern Bathrooms so that any issues/suggestions can be addressed in the Southern Bathroom Project. The committee is considering trialling Thermally Broken Aluminium Framed Windows to replace the wooden painted windows. It the trial is a success they may be considered to replace windows across the Lodge as appropriate. This will reduce the ongoing maintenance and painting bill for these windows.
At his stage we have a Specification under development. Construction date hasn’t been confirmed yet, however it is likely to be during the 2019/2020 building season and subject to available funds following the completion of the fire sprinkler system and electrical switchboard works . There is still time for any suggestions.
This is the current state of play on these Projects. The Committee is continuing to address other Minor Works and Maintenance Issues. When we have further updates these will come out.
Peter Rodda, President