Appointment of New Gunuma Administrative Officer (GAO):
Ms Renae Davis
The process of recruiting a new GAO has now been completed. The Selection Panel, using the new/updated Job Description (available here) have selected Ms Renae Davis, who will commence in the role from 11 February 2019. Renae lives in Jindabyne and works from home in the travel industry. We hope to do a feature profile on Renae in a future Newsletter. Please join us in welcoming Renae to the Lodge community!
As noted previously, Hugh Alston, volunteered his services as the temporary GAO from July last year, after stepping down as Treasurer of Gunuma Committee at the end of 2017. During this time he has updated the booking system and documentation of GAO duties. Hugh has further committed to on-boarding, training and mentoring Renae before the year gets into full swing. The Gunuma Committee would like to take this opportunity to express a further vote of thanks to Hugh for his dedication to ensuring the transition to a new GAO is an efficient process for all.
Winter House Manager (WHM) Applications now open!
Expressions of Interest Applications (EOIs) are invited from any member who is interested in performing the duties of Winter House Manager (WHM) during the 2019 Ski Season. Member surveys have shown this to be an important role to be performed over the high season.
Winter House Managers are required to carry out the full list of duties appearing in the Duty Statement below and must be available for a minimum of 2 weeks between the 29 June and 6 September (10 weeks). The weeks maybe in one block or one-week blocks.
Members chosen to undertake the duties of WHM will receive the following benefits:
- A room for 2 persons for the duration of their stay at no charge. (WHM and Co-member or their substitute as per booking rules.)
- A car parking space at no charge.
Interested members are required to submit a written Expression of Interest Application to the Lodge Vice President Geoff Jones by email at jemskiing@yahoo.com.au.
Closing date for EOI’s is Sunday 24 February 2019.
EOI’s must address the position criteria, your experience and suitability to carry out all the duties listed in the Duty Statement, along with your availability and preferred times during the period 29 June to 6 September 2019.
You should also include your full contact details, i.e. Mobile phone and email address and confirm you are willing to use your car to assist in emergencies such as buying lodge supplies in Jindabyne.
If you wish to be exempted from any of the stated WHM duties, please include these exemptions in your application, i.e. I want to do first tracks and not be in the lodge until 9 am.
It is expected that applications should be no longer than 1 to 2 pages. Your application will be assessed by a Sub-Committee and you will be contacted regarding the outcome.
The EOI must address experience and skills the applicant has to undertake the role of WHM including:
- Undertake a handover with the previous WHM at a time and by a method agreed.
- Have a good understanding of the overall workings of the Lodge, fire control system and emergency procedures.
- Understand and be competent in managing and enforcing the booking rules as members check into the lodge.
- Undertake Duties as outlined.
- Be prepared to engage with and assist members and guests.
- Represents the Committee on site. Have the experience, capability and interpersonal skills to resolve issues amicably as they arise.
Duty Statement
The WHM should also address their willingness to:
- Be available in the lodge from 8.00 am to 9.00 am and 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm each day.
- Check each day the validity of the bookings of arriving members and register them in. The WHM should attempt to ensure their rooms are clean and ready for them or seek feedback on any issues.
- Liaise, as necessary, with the Gunuma Administration Officer (GAO) on any booking matters.
- Issue keys for rooms, if required, register details, take a key deposit ($50.00 per key) and place the money in a named envelop in the WHM safe to ensure these keys are returned before leaving. When the keys are returned the WHM is to refund the key deposit/s held.
- Retain the master keys at all times while in the Lodge or lock it in the WHM safe.
- Manage parking space allocations (see Car Parking below).
- Ensure that all room chores are properly undertaken and if necessary, take corrective action through the member. If there are vacant rooms seek volunteers to undertake these room chores or complete emergent items themselves.
- Form and manage work parties as required to fill the wood box.
- Manage the Snow clearing roster to clear the snow from the steps and pathway from the front entrance to bottom of the stairs, from the rear dining room entrance to Willow Road and the car parks. Ensure that Northern and Southern Fire escapes are clear of snow as required
- Check the work of the cleaners (Monday and Thursday) and sign them off in a Lodge works register.
- Take note of, register, and attempt to rectify any breakages or damage to the Lodge structure or property, advising the Logistics Manager Jo Halank by email of the issues and any replacement actions.
- Check and top up the consumable’s cabinet opposite the WHM desk daily from the Supply Store (in the Laundry area)
- Direct guests to the Kitchen Shelves and Bathroom cupboards for cleaning products in the first instance and the Consumables cupboard for resupply.
- Monitor daily the supply of consumables from the Supply Store against the Stocktake list and advise the Logistics Manager as required. With prior approval from Logistics Manager and where necessary/in an emergency purchase items (or equivalent items) using your credit card if stocks are low from Jindabyne. Recover costs of such purchases from the Gunuma Treasurer by email.
- Check when a room is vacated that it is clean and tidy ready for the next guest or seek advice from new arrivals on the state of the room. Recover any keys issued or car parking pass.
- Perform a security check of the Lodge at the end of each day at 10 pm ensuring that the front and back doors are both in a locked position. Ensure all lights in public areas not in use are extinguished and doors to drying and ski rooms are closed.
- Ensure the Lodge remains quiet after 10 pm.
- Report any major behavioural problems to the Lodge President.
- Advise members and their guests of the options regarding travel to and from Saw Pit creek car park and where possible actively link up people.
Car Parking
- Car Permits are to be kept in the WHM safe at all times, except where passes are issued to members and guests who have paid for car parking spaces. Passes are issued after 4pm check in.
- Members and Guests, with paid car parking spaces, must sign for the permits in a register and provide a mobile phone contact number.
- Permits must be displayed in the front of each parked vehicle and be clearly visible for inspection by NPWS. Vehicles must only park in the car park space allocated to them.
- Vehicles must be parked with the front of the vehicle facing the road and be clear of the road so that snow plough clearing can be completed.
- Advise members that two-wheel drive vehicles should have chains fitted and remain fitted during the members and guests time at the lodge when they occupy a car parking space.
- Car parking spaces must be vacated, and the passes returned to the WHM, signed back in by room check out time (4.00 pm). Members are not permitted to give or sell their pass to other guests or members.
- Car parking spaces must be booked, and paid for in advance, with the GAO who will advise the WHM.
- During business hours (9 am to 5 pm), booking of any vacant car parks must be arranged with the GAO.
- After Business hours (5 pm), any ‘ad hoc’ vacant car parks, as determined after careful checking, may be allocated by the WHM. The WHM is to email the revised car space allocation to the GAO and the GAO will bill the member accordingly. This avoids the WHM handling cash.
Pre Season Work Party Dates for 2019
There are four planned work parties between now and the Winter Season. These are critical to ensure the Lodge is in a safe and sound condition for the coming bustle of the ski season. While no special skills are required, those Members with a trade qualification or DIY skills are particularly helpful. The Committee appreciates that it is a labour of love, however be assured that as with most things to do with the Lodge, it is a lot of fun!
Work Parties start on a Friday, and the Friday, Saturday and Sunday’s accommodation is free for all participants. In addition, members and co-members receive up to $80 a day in ski credits for each full day worked at a work party. Member’s children can also obtain ski credits commensurate with the work performed.
The dates for your diary are below. To volunteer or if you require further information please contact Ivan Belacic, Assistant Lodge Manager (Facilities) on 0401 686 174 or email: ibelacic48@gmail.com. Whether a work party proceeds is dependent on the number of volunteers. A decision is made close to the proposed date and those already on the list notified should a party need to be cancelled.
- 15-17 February
- 15-17 March
- 12-14 April
- 17-19 May
The jobs on the work list currently include: per the Fire Safety upgrade requirements (changing door signage, adding anti slip hi-viz nosing to both upstairs corridors, adding railings for hall steps and fire escapes); painting, and always plenty of minor jobs and cleaning!
Please note The Committee may consider an additional work party to coincide with the delivery of the new switchboard to assist in delivery and to build the new access to the switchboard from the corridor.
Booking Rules 2019
The 2019/20 booking rules are available here for Members noting.
The rates for rooms have not increased as the Committee is aware that there may be some interruptions to access this year as we commence our compliance Capital Works. We have clarified some matters that have been raised and caused possible confusion, but it is a work in progress so please continue to provide feedback to the Gunuma Administration Officer (GAO) on any issues.
Members please note that Winter House Managers (WHMs) are no longer expected to drive members or Guests to their Car Parks. These arrangements are the responsibility of the Member/Guest. Consideration should be made to parking at Bullocks Flat after dropping of your luggage and party and using the Ski Tube. Of course, you may be able to make alternate arrangements and the WHM will assist with linking Members and identifying other Lodge car parking opportunities.
As mentioned in the November 2018 Newsletter, the Lodge prefers Members to use PayPal as this payment method provides immediate confirmation of bookings which removes the need for manual reconciliation by the GAO. When paying any of your Winter bookings could please ensure your booking# (e.g. GU – , refer Booking Rule 6.5) or your membership # is quoted in EFT or any correspondence to the GAO to avoid confusion and possible disappointment. To encourage the use of PayPal, no administration fees are charged on transactions.
The Committee requests that Members read carefully the Booking Rules and if they have any questions seek clarification from the GAO in the first instance.
We need to remind Members that the Co-member and children’s names need to be recorded and correct on the Membership Database by 28 February 2019 (Booking Rules 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.12)
If you have any issues with using the booking system, please seek assistance from the GAO. The system is functional and used by many other Lodges, however our Booking Rules are some of the most complicated. So, if you make an error or do not get the result you expect, please contact the GAO for assistance. The system automatically charges penalties for cancellations so if you make an error the GAO is the person to help you fix it; don’t try to fix it yourself.
Members should read their confirmation emails thoroughly and ensure their bookings are correct. It is very disappointing to turn up to the Lodge and find that you didn’t book the right dates or a car park. By then it is too late to take any action.
Of course, Members should refer to the GAO as required but should remember that this is a part time role and not expect the GAO to be waiting for their call or to immediately answer their email.
Geoff Jones, Vice President
Fire Non-Compliance Update
At the AGM, and included in the Capital Works Manager’s report, it was advised that there are significant fire compliance issues that Gunuma Lodge is required to rectify. Most lodges are facing similar issues with some lodges having carried out rectifications work under threat of closure. The Committee is in discussion with other lodges to assist in identifying a way forward. This action has been deemed the short term priority for the committee and is required to avoid any risk that we will be assessed as non compliant and potentially closed down.
In addition, National Parks requires all lodges to renew there electrical compliance certifications on a 10 year cycle, which is this year.
To date the committee has had a draft Fire Safety Upgrade Strategy prepared by a Fire Engineer, which is under is under review by the Committee. Once finalised the Plan will be submitted to the NSW Department of Planning as our proposed way forward. If accepted Gunuma will be required to implement the recommendations and plan.
There are numerous issues to consider with the key issues the Committee is considering being:
- Method of rectifying the fire compartment non-compliance. There are two options, either strip nearly all the internal walls and ceilings to install fire rated plasterboard or install a domestic fire sprinkler system
- Duration that we have to carry out the works.
To determine the method of rectification we are consulting with other lodges that have installed sprinklers plus we are in the process of engaging a designer to prepare preliminary plans that will enable us to obtain indicative quotes. Cost for the design is $2,500 to $3,000. Having an indicative cost of the options is essential to making an informed decision on the way forward.
Regarding duration, we will try and get Planning to agree to the longest duration possible. However, we will need to demonstrate to NSW Planning and National Parks that we are taking action. The Plan will include the minor works identified that can be carried out by work parties in 2019 and the south bathrooms for which we will require a contractor. So please consider volunteering for a work party.
In relation to the electrical certification we know Gunuma will not pass as there are no residual current detectors (RCD) in the switchboard. The committee has determined that due to age and standard of the current switchboard a replacement is the best course of action. A draft specification has been prepared for a new switchboard and once finalised we will obtain quotes. We plan to take this opportunity to rotate the switch 90 degrees so that it is accessed from the corridor to avoid mixing electricity and the wet area. This will also free up room in boot/drying room and provide an opportunity to adjust the multiple entry corridors and ski room to provide better use of space in potential long term future re-planning.
We will continue to keep membership updated as these matters progress.
Peter Rodda, President
A final note: regarding the Refrigerator
The Lodge has experienced issues with the refrigerator over the off-season. These have been fixed but at a cost for the repairs. The Committee requests all Members and Guests to please not adjust the thermostat settings as this was considered to have contributed to the problems experienced. Thank you.