And that’s a wrap folks! Welcome to the end of 2021. If you haven’t experienced at least one lockdown in 2021, multiple Covid swabs, cancelled holiday plans, separation from family and friends, and cleaning the laundry during week 1 of quarantine, you haven’t been living on the eastern seaboard. The 2021 ski season started off so well – an early opening weekend on the 4th of June, snow in Jindabyne on the 10th of June, and lifts open in Smiggins! Unfortunately Sydney entered lockdown just when the snow started piling up, which resulted in untrammelled slopes and queueless lift lines for everyone else, but increasingly early happy hours at home for our Sydney members.
By the time the pandemic reached Canberra on the 12th of August, the end of the ski season for all of us was swift and brutal – Gunuma closed in the space of 6 hours, lifts stopped spinning, and the snow kept bucketing down. If you managed to get in a night at Gunuma and a run down the duplex between opening weekend and closing day well done to you!
Gunuma has weathered two pandemic years fairly well – let’s cross all fingers and toes that next year is a year of blankets of snow, bluebird days, and a lodge open to all our members all season.
The end of this year is also the time we bid farewell to our dedicated and wonderful GAO Renee. Renee has worked tirelessly for Gunuma for the last three years, wrangling our booking system and dealing with Covid cancellations. The committee thanks Renee and wishes her all the best in the future. She will be around for a wee bit yet but the Committee is seeking a new GAO
At this stage we have one person interested in the role. Any member or family who is interested in the role could email the committee.
Gunuma Committee 2022
President | Peter Rodda |
Vice President | Geoff Jones |
Treasurer | Jason Zarew |
Secretary | Currently vacant; Rachel Hemsworth is kindly continuing to assist while the position is filled |
Membership Secretary | Paul Giugini |
Capital Works Manager | Christine Palmer |
Logistics Manager | Emma Rees |
Environment Manager | Vanessa Palmer |
Communications Officer | Kathryn Rodda |
Maintenance Manager | Stephen Belacic |
The committee has suggested the following dates for work parties in 2022:
- February 11th – 13th
- April 1st – 3rd
- May 20th – 22nd
As usual there will likely be one after the season to prepare the Lodge for summer.
Possible changes to the above dates will be available through future newsletters, the web page and the administrative officer.
The committee wishes all Gunuma members a happy and safe festive season.