Dear Members,
It is that time of the year again. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Gunuma Lodge Incorporated will be held 4 December 2021 at 10:30 am. The Committee had hoped we were able to return to an in-person AGM for 2021, Delta had another plan. After considering our options and the current government regulations, we are unfortunately unable to hold the 2021 AGM in person. The 2021 AGM will be held electronically.
The Committee is calling for the following nominations:
- Committee Position Nominations for 2021/22. Committee members are required to be elected each year. The Committee encourages those who are interested in volunteering for a role for 2021/22 to nominate. Details regarding the roles and responsibilities of each of the Committee positions and how meetings are run are contained in the attached Committee Information document.
- If you would like to be involved, the attached Committee Position Nomination form must be fully completed, signed and returned by 26 October 2021. Late forms will not be accepted.
- Nominations for Motions: If you wish to raise a Motion, please complete the attached Notice of Motion form, including details of what you are trying to achieve, necessary steps, any costs implications and consultation. Completed motion forms are due by 26 October 2021. Late motion forms will not be accepted.
Please send completed nomination and motion forms to the Secretary by 26 October 2021 via:
E: secretary@gunumalodge.com.au
or by Mail:
Gunuma Lodge Inc
PO Box 990
If you have any queries, please direct these to the Secretary by email: secretary@gunumalodge.com.au.
Thank you